Friday, January 30, 2009
You're Eating What?
If you eat anything that comes out of a box from a grocery store, chances are likely that you ARE eating Genetically Modified Food. This stuff isn't safe......
Listen here....
You're eating What?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Don't Put That into Your Mouth
Take your health back into your own hands and listen to this audio!
Don't Put That into Your Mouth!
You won't believe how poisoned the American food supply is!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
You may ask yourself why you should consider buying heirloom seeds. After all....seeds at the rack in Walmart are a lot cheaper. Yes, that may be true, but actually when you stop to think... You can save heirloom seeds from year to year, and your only investment is your initial purchase. Which seed is more cost effective? The heirloom seed of course. Plus you get the honor of preserving our diverse food heritage. The cheap seed racks at Walmart really only offer the same old seeds that Mansanto wants you to buy. They don't really want you to know how delicious an heirloom tomato is. Or how flavorful an heirloom bean may taste. If you know this, you might demand that farmers start growing these crops and sell these in the grocery store instead of all the bland veggies that taste like cardboard.
Another reason to grow heirloom crops is for the community it creates. Farmers used to pass their seeds down to the next generation. They would also share with neighbors. Farmers were quite proud of the great qualities they bred into their seeds by careful seed selection year after year. Many communities proudly served their heirloom goods to visitors, and each region was known by the crops they propagated.
Hybrid seeds can only be grown once. The seeds are a result of the cross pollination of two different parent crops. Generally, the off-spring seeds will not run true to type but will rather have traits that are more dominant of one of the parents. Heirloom seeds do not do this. You will get the same off-spring each year. But even more amazing is the fact that careful seed saving year after year can get you a seed that has characteristics you are looking for. For instance if you want a huge tomato....then save the seeds each year from the very biggest tomatoes and after a few seasons your tomatoes will be bigger. If you want an earlier harvest, then save the seeds from the earliest ripening fruit and after a few years your plants will be producing crops a little earlier. Isn't that amazing that God gave us the ability to adapt his seeds by careful gardening without gene altering science?
Why would you want to avoid Genetically Modified Seeds? Well, the only test done in the US for the FDA to make the claim that gene altered food is safe was done by the very company who wants to sell these gene altered seeds and the chemicals that must get sprayed on them for them to work, Monsanto. All other independent companies research has deemed these foods unsafe to eat. Why would the FDA allow this company to sell these seeds then? It's called $$$$$$. The very heads making the legislation in the EPA, FDA, and USDA come from (drumroll please.......) Monsanto. Mansanto and the gov. regulating agencies have had quite the revolving door. Now isn't that a interesting fact?
OK, enough of the rant here. What I really want you to know is that God gave us the ability to enjoy diverse, nutrient dense food through growing and eating heirloom foods and saving our own seeds. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds is a great place to start.
P.S. Jere was a homeschooler and started this business as a teenager! Gotta love that!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Are Organic Foods Really Organic?
Isn't it nice of our government to not think it is wise to at least give a consumer of choice of knowing exactly what is in our food? (heavy dose of sarcasm here!!!)
So, while there are many very good companies out there trying their hardest to provide you and me with alternatives to the big agri-businesses toxic food products, those big businesses are trying to mislead the consumer with very lax labelling laws. The only reason we still have the 100% organic label is due to consumer DEMAND. I wish there was as much consumer demand for labelling GMO foods. I truly believe you are what you eat.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Food Security In America
It's pretty scary.....Almost all of America's cropland is in production with inedible food crops (and it's genetically modified). We are facing serious economic crisis. People are becoming unhealthier and unhealthier every day. What's going on?
As Americans we are eating almost all processed food and have all but forgotten how to prepare our meals from REAL whole grains and fresh produce. Not a box or package that says whole grains, but real wheat kernels that need to be ground fresh. Real oat groats that need to be rolled or chopped. These are REAL foods.
After reading Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver I realized that even though I grind my own wheat and flake my own groats, I have still played my roll in not supporting the very farmers who eek out a living growing REAL food. How many times have I driven right past the vegetable stand or avoided the farmer's market for the convenience of one stop shopping at the grocery store?
One might argue that they are supporting farmers by purchasing produce at the grocery store, but most often that produce has traveled over 1100 miles. What we need to do to build food security and avoid possible food shortages in this country is support our local farmers. We need to go back to eating food that is in season and appreciate it during the season. We need to support the local food producing farmer. In times of need, they, will be the ones to help. Where will they be if we don't support them and they go out of business? Yes, sometimes the food is a bit more expensive, but it is also FRESH, and usually grown without toxins. I believe most disease in this country is caused by the foods we eat. Most of our food supply is toxic and devoid of any nutrition.
If you are concerned about the economy there are several things you can do to help build food security.
- First, plant some food for yourself. Even urbanites can have a small garden and fruit trees. I have been known to plant a garden in almost every dwelling I have lived in--even if it was in a few containers.
- You can keep a couple of laying hens. In most areas of the country people are allowed at least 2 or 3 hens. With very little effort you will have eggs.
- Make friends with country folks who provide fresh food (if not year round with a greenhouse) at least seasonally. Support their farming efforts.
- Eat foods that are in season. I don't think people even know or remember that is what we have done for thousands of years!
I would also recommend that you stop buying as much processed food as you can. This month figure out one convenience food that you can make yourself and do that. Make a lot of it and freeze it so you have it on hand when you want it. Then next month pick another item you can either do without or can make yourself. OR you can find an organic equivalent. By doing this you are not supporting the big agri-buisnesses that have taken over in America. The organics are the little them instead. The more you learn to do without or do for yourself or purchase locally or purchase organically, the faster we will have food security in America.
What are you willing to do for yourself today?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Feeding Lard to Birds
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
What are the Pros and Cons of high frutose corn syrup?
Another large portion is going to feed the cattle who are penned up in huge feed lots. Cattle are not meant to eat grain. They get very sick if they are confined more than 4 months in these pens because corn is all they are fed. Cattle are meant to eat grass and hay. So why are we doing this to cows? Because Americans want cheap food and this is the fastest way to fatten cows for slaughter. Most of this meat goes directly to our fast food market sector (can you say McDonald's?).
Now I wonder.....what would happen to our country's food supply if we had a disaster strike? Farmers are not in the business to produce locally grown food any longer. What would we do? I pray that we Americans wake up to what is happening to our food security and diversity in our country. We could end up with a tragic food shortage. We need to change what and how we eat in this country.
So I would summarize.....there are many more negative points than positive points in supporting a diet high in high fructose. If you doubt me.....just watch the DVD, King Corn, and see for yourself.
I challenge you to do what our family is doing.....boycotting high fructose corn syrup!
Making Chicken Soup with Cooked Chicken
To the broth I will add:
- cut up cooked chicken
- diced carrots
- diced parsnips
- diced rutabaga
- minced onions
- cut up celery
- dehydrated parsley
- noodles or cooked rice
and anything else I have laying around that sounds good. You can add pretty much whatever you have on hand (veggies from the freezer are fine green beans, peas, corn, etc.).
These are just the items that I have on-hand at the moment that I want to use up.
You really don't need a recipe for making chicken soup with cooked chicken. Really all you do is dice the cooked chicken meat, add broth, add vegetables and noodles. Simple!
I always plan 3 meals from a roasting chicken. First I serve the whole chicken. Then I make a broth and serve a soup. If I don't use all the broth for this I save the broth and make a different soup later in the week using the potato soup. Then I make a casserole type of dish or chicken stroganoff. I love that one chicken (usually 6-8 pounds) will feed my family of 7 over and over.
If you are not feeding so many people you get get even more meals than this. Just put your leftovers into meal size portions and put them in the freezer for real slow-food convenience foods. There really is no reason to resort to bad tasting frozen food from the grocery store when you can easily create your own from scratch with good organic ingredients.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How Long Does Chicken Need to Cook
Tonight I served up a whole chicken roasted in the crock pot. I love to serve chicken this way as then I don't need to worry about how long the chicken needs to cook. I usually defrost the bird a day or two ahead of time and it is ready to go in the crock pot in the morning. By evening the meat is ready to fall off the bone and it is moist and delicious.
A few tips in crock pot cooking. I usually put 1/4 - 1/2 inch of water in the pot. Then I put a small grate on the bottom of the pot followed by some tinfoil on which I place the chicken. Sometimes I put celery/apples/garlic/onions etc. inside the bird's cavity. Today I didn't. But instead I crushed some cloves of garlic and mashed them into some butter with a little fresh rosemary and sea salt. I then rubbed this under the skin of the breast of the chicken. I applied a few more sprigs of rosemary and salt and pepper on top and that was it. I turned the crock pot on LOW and let it cook all day. Boy did the breast meat taste great!
I cooked a roasting chicken we raised ourselves this year. The big thing I noticed about how it was different from a conventional chicken was that there wasn't a ton of extra fat on that chicken. After eating dinner I cooked all the bones in a pot of water for stock. I added the juice left from the crock pot to the boiled down stock so I didn't waste a drip of that delicious chicken broth. Chicken broth has great immune building properties so be sure to get all the mileage from your chicken that you can. I noticed that there was very little fat from the broth....a great incentive to raise birds again next year for sure.
Remember, add extra time for cooking if you cook on low temps. The benefit of low temperature cooking is that your meat will be soft and fall of the bone. So that's the long winded answer for how long does chicken need to cook.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Lamb Meatballs
Lamb Meatball Recipe
1 lb. ground lamb
2 eggs, beaten
2 T cornmeal
1/4 C oat bran
2 T cream
2 T parsley flakes
1 T paprika
1/4 t black pepper
Combine all ingredients and shape into golf-ball size meatballs.
Coat with olive oil and bake in an uncovered casserole dish at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Serve with hot buttered spaghetti squash with freshly grated nutmeg.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
What's For Dinner?
I also bought some oranges from the store. This is the in-season for oranges, so I'm going to see if I can locate an organic growing and buy some direct. I know this goes against the idea of eating locally, but citrus in the winter is a real treat and a treat can be had once in a while.
The snow is softly falling and I find myself dreaming about what the garden will look like once the snow is gone. The ring, "What's for dinner?" is the common question around here. Happily I can report that we have an abundance of crops and pastured meat tucked safely in the freezer, so dinner is just a few steps away. Tonight I'll serve some organic chopped broccoli and turkey with rice. No I didn't grow the rice, but do purchase this in bulk so as to minimize packaging.
Organics....that's what's for dinner in this house!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Pumpkin --'s so good!
This past year's garden had its share of trouble in the squash and pumpkin department. One of my heirloom squash varieties didn't even grow fruit and many of the vines were spindly. I believe this was true because of the massive amounts of rains we had early in the summer.
It's seed time right now though. Time to focus on the promise of the next harvest to come. Pumpkin is definitely on the list for next year. I love baking fresh pumpkin through out the winter when so many other veggies and fruits come out of the freezer or canning jar. Thank God for His handiwork that gives us such good nutritious fresh food through out the bleak winter months.
Now back to eating......gotta go get another piece!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The More with Less Cookbook
Second, the recipes are truly from scratch recipes. You will not find casseroles where you dump in a can of cream of soup here and a packet of seasoning mix there. You find true meals based on whole grains, vegetables, basic meats and healthier snack and dessert recipes.
Third, there is a lot of very informational thoughts on why we need to reduce our consumption and modify our eating habits. Now remember....this was written over thirty years ago. I think Doris would roll over in her grave if she saw where America is today.
Also, there are a lot of tips included through out the book, There are ideas on how to modify or improve certain this is my kind of cooking! I rarely measure, frequently improvise and most often totally reinvent recipes. I think it is the exception rather than the rule when I follow a recipe exactly....I'm not even sure I remember how to do that anymore.
So these are a few of the top reasons this book is my all-time favorite. Check the More with Less Cookbook out of the public library....or better yet....just buy a copy and see for yourself!
Homemade Cracker Recipe
Second, this will save me money. The money I save on making my own snacks using a homemade cracker recipe can be turned back into purchasing organic ingredients. This is a double bonus. I get healthier snacks and no possible hazards from those wholesome ingredients.
The first recipe I am going to try is from the cookbook Hopkins' Healthy Home Cooking published by Diane Hopkins. This is my second all-time favorite cookbook when looking for healthy tasty food. The recipe, Graham Crackers, is on page 39. It seems easy enough. If the kids love them I will probably bake dozens and dozens and then put them in the freezer for my own slow food "fast/convenience food."
Snack food is my greatest hurdle to cross in moving to an organic diet primarily because snack foods are expensive and organic snack foods are doubly so. So if I can get an array of snack foods my kids love and I have them in abundance, I will not need the crutch of convenience foods. to cook!
Monday, January 12, 2009
How to Keep Chickens Warm in the Winter
I thought perhaps we would need to add some insulation to the outside of the building as the cold weather approached. Last year we did this, but they pecked at the insulation that they could reach. So I determined we would only add it if it seemed necessary. I don't think we'll be needing it...they seem pretty snug.
I had a friend from church ask me how we set things up. He wanted to know how to keep the chickens warm and if we were getting eggs. I told him about our heat lamps and the double benefit they provided. The light from the lamp gives the chickens' bodies the daylight hours required to continue laying eggs through the winter (we are getting about 2 dozen/day). The heat from the lamps seems to be doing a decent job of keeping the chickens warm enough.
We tend to not clean out the bedding over the winter. We just keep adding more layers. The bedding in the bottom starts to decompose like compost and generates heat. This helps heat the coop and definitely helps insulate the coop.
There are two windows in our coop and I really thought that they'd create too much draft, but I truly think if anything......the building could use extra ventilation for the birds. It's kind of a catch 22 for these critters. They love fresh air and being outside, but it is just too cold when it is just above or below zero.
Training for How to Grow a Vegetable Garden
I get tired just thinking about it all.
But there is something inspiring about planning the next years' garden in the dead of winter. The thoughts of delicious tastes one can only experience by planting a garden at home. The joy of propagating seeds that the big agri-businesses want to see vanish. The joy of being self-sufficient in a time where corn is King.
I started my training for how to grow a vegetable garden by reading several good books. One book I can highly recommend, Animal Vegetable Miracle, by Barbara Kingsolver gives you a good idea on why you should grow vegetables of your own or buy them from a local farmer's market. I have a book on growing vegetables in Wisconsin. I'm sure you can find a book specific to your area. I use Suzanne Ashworth's book, Seed to Seed, for information on how to save seeds for my plants. I have several books on how to put foods into storage (dehydrating, freezing and canning). I read seed catalogues galore for growing tips and general information.
Most of my seeds have now been ordered. I ordered seeds from Fedco and from Seed Savers Exchange. I am only growing heirlooms this year and many of them are becoming quite rare, so I plan to save seeds from everything I grow this year and offer them next year to others through Seed Savers. Of course this means keeping good records, so I need to add that piece to my experience.
I don't know if I'll ever be done training for how to grow a vegetable garden. I do think there are new things to learn every year. I suppose I'll always be in training. But I do know that I am a lot further ahead today than I was when I was practice does make perfect (not that perfection is the goal). I'm more of a journey or experience oriented individual rather than an end-product kind of person. But it is exceedingly joyful to delight in the fruits of your labor.
Time For Change
Everything I once believed to be true about nutrition and our government regulating agencies that are "supposed to look out for the welfare of the American people" is untrue. The regulating agencies: EPA, USDA, FDA have revolving doors with the big agri-businesses and the policies that are supposed to be made for the benefit of the health of our country and its people are only policies that benefit big agri-business. So great is the corruption in our government that our country is face with illness in epidemic proportions.
So what kind of changes do I intend to make immediately. For starters.....I will not buy anything that contains high-fructose corn syrup. Almost all the corn produced in this country is Genetically Engineered. That means that the very corn itself is considered a pesticide/herbicide. Why would I want to eat that? All studies performed outside of Monsanto have been discredited and only the Monsanto studies are used by our government regulating GE crops. Since when do we allow a company with a financial gain to do the studies? Outside peer reviews on these studies show that the studies were lax and were not searching for anything negative. Why would they want to prove that GE crops are unsafe? It wouldn't benefit their company. Indeed, most countries now believe that these crops are very unsafe to eat and are watching the people in our country get sicker and sicker like researchers watching rats in a laboratory experiment.
What is a replacement for high-fructose corn syrup? Sugar. But buyer beware......Genetically Engineered beets hit the market this year and since most of the sugar used in processed foods and candies comes from beets you aren't safe there either. Now you have to look for cane sugar....frustrating isn't it. Perhaps the time will come when the entire food supply is contaminated. It will be if people don't do something about it. At least if Genetically Modified foods were labelled we could make a choice, but since our government won't give us that choice, we have to make the only choice we can....go organic.
Soy is the other big no-no. Most of the soy produced in our country is also Genetically Engineered. I wonder how many Americans know that 70% of our food supply is contaminated with Genetically Modified foods. I know I didn't until recently and I just happened to stumble upon this information with a lot of's not in the mainstream media....that's for sure. rBGH. That means reading labels labels labels and calling companies. I will only buy milk if I know the company can tell me no growth hormones are used. That means all dairy.
So what is a person to do? Well, for me it means taking advantage of buying clubs, co-ops, and other health food stores. I wasn't as fanatical about organics before even though I grew a lot of my own organic food and organics are important to me. I will only buy organic dairy, soy, cottonseed, corn, canola (don't like canola anyway which is another story, but if something is fried in it, it has be organic). That means no more shopping at the local grocery for the most part as most of those do not have any organics (or very little).
The inspiration to each more local fresh foods is increasing with each page I read in Kingsolver's Animal Vegetable Miracle book. Investing in good nutrition and good health is much easier than forking out money to doctors and insurance companies for illnesses that probably could have been avoided in the first place. I have always thought "you are what you eat." I totally embrace that statement even more now.
The government is not going to take of you. The only person that is going to take care of you is you. You.....that is the place to begin change. This does change my what do I feed my kids? That means no more go-gurts, animal crackers, happy, this is extreme.
I'll be sharing recipes that I build over the course of the next year that will become the nutritional counterpart to these fast convenient unhealthy snacks. I have always loved to cook and I love to cook from scratch (the more extreme sort of "from scratch" that most people can't relate to), but I have relied on quick conveniences like crackers, sweetned yogurt cups, sweetened canned fruits, and such. find replacements....and fast....the kids are starving!
Stayed to follow.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Animal Vegetable Miracle
This is such a radical concept. No more driving through the fast food lanes for meals. It requires thought and a certain amount of planning. This may seem like "work" to some, but it seems like a fun challenge to me. I don't think I will pass a farmer's market or vegetable stand again without thinking about the effort that individual went forth to bring those fresh goodies to market.
How about it? Can you eat local? Try it for a day. If it didn't kill you....then try for a week. You never could become a new healthy habit.
PS Read the book! It's a great story!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ways to Simplify Life
My mother thinks that my housecleaning standards are way beneath hers. She feels that she has failed me as a parent as I was not properly trained to keep a "neat as a pin" house. I do not recall, however, growing up with all the stuff that my children have. We have boatloads of books, toys, disks for computers, DVDs, name it, we have it. I know I am not in this predicament alone. Every mother I know is faced with this same predicament. The scary thing...I know we have less stuff than most of the people we know. So what's a person to do? Simplify.
There are ways to simplify life. One way is to get rid of stuff. Get rid of the stuff that is stuffed in the back of your drawers, closets, basements, garages, etc. Just get rid of it. I recently read an article that talks about the hidden costs of too much stuff. It's worth the can read it here.
Another way to simplify life.....just don't buy stuff. You don't really need more stuff do you? Stay away from the mall, throw out the sales fliers, don't read magazines that contain ads, turn off the t.v. These are just a few practical ideas of ways to simplify life. I'm sure you have a few more. Please leave your ideas in a comment.
Victory Homestead
This new term transcends the old fashioned Victory Garden. A Victory Homestead provides more self-sufficiency to each individual who develops one. A Victory Homestead does not need to be limited to growing only a garden. You may find a few chickens laying colorful eggs, a milking goat providing rich, nourishing milk, a compost pile used for replenishing the garden soil, a beehive providing abundant pollination, fruit and nut trees, or a host of other items that contribute to a diverse environmentally friendly ecology.
Today's fast paced, fast food culture is only a few generations removed from where knowing where our own food comes from and how it is produced. Providing for one's own dietary needs is a completely foreign concept. But we can take back the power we have given to big business by turning back the time of hand and providing for our own needs once again. This can be accomplished when individuals create their own Victory Homesteads.
While a Victory Homestead may be a homestead with a few acres in the country side, successful Victory Homesteads may also be situated right in the midst of urban sprawl. These urban homesteads make the most of the space available to them. An excellent example of an urban Victory Homestead can be found here. This is living proof that you do not need a farm or acreage to be self-sufficient.
In fact, sometimes I find myself even thinking....if only I had more land.... More land? What am I thinking? I need to utilize what I do have. Only until I do that would I possibly need more land. And trust's going to take a long time to fully utilize the land on my little homestead.
Victory Homesteads have the ability to not only feed the owner, but also produce enough for others. If many individuals adopted the concept of Victory Homesteads, we would revolutionize our country, we would empower individuals and take the power away from big business, we would feed the hungry, we would be healthier, we would use less of our limited resources.
So what's preventing you from beginning your Victory Homestead today? Take a few small steps to begin the process today for a brighter tomorrow. You can't eat an elephant in one bite. Start with one bite at a time.