Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ways to Simplify Life

Are there ways to simplify life? I find, especially now, right after the holidays that I am inundated with more stuff than I know what to do with. Yes....there are ways to simplify life. It's called getting rid of stuff.

My mother thinks that my housecleaning standards are way beneath hers. She feels that she has failed me as a parent as I was not properly trained to keep a "neat as a pin" house. I do not recall, however, growing up with all the stuff that my children have. We have boatloads of books, toys, disks for computers, DVDs, name it, we have it. I know I am not in this predicament alone. Every mother I know is faced with this same predicament. The scary thing...I know we have less stuff than most of the people we know. So what's a person to do? Simplify.

There are ways to simplify life. One way is to get rid of stuff. Get rid of the stuff that is stuffed in the back of your drawers, closets, basements, garages, etc. Just get rid of it. I recently read an article that talks about the hidden costs of too much stuff. It's worth the can read it here.

Another way to simplify life.....just don't buy stuff. You don't really need more stuff do you? Stay away from the mall, throw out the sales fliers, don't read magazines that contain ads, turn off the t.v. These are just a few practical ideas of ways to simplify life. I'm sure you have a few more. Please leave your ideas in a comment.

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