Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What are the Pros and Cons of high frutose corn syrup?

The movie, King Corn, does a good job laying out the pros and cons of high fructose corn syrup. Basically our country is using up all of it's good agricultural land to produce a non-edible genetically modified corn. Over 50% of this corn is used to sweeten soft-drinks in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Have you ever wondered why we have an obesity and type II diabetes epidemic in this country? Could it be because more and more Americans choose soda as their drink of choice? This choice is loading piles of empty calories into our bodies in the form of high fructose corn syrup.

Another large portion is going to feed the cattle who are penned up in huge feed lots. Cattle are not meant to eat grain. They get very sick if they are confined more than 4 months in these pens because corn is all they are fed. Cattle are meant to eat grass and hay. So why are we doing this to cows? Because Americans want cheap food and this is the fastest way to fatten cows for slaughter. Most of this meat goes directly to our fast food market sector (can you say McDonald's?).

Now I wonder.....what would happen to our country's food supply if we had a disaster strike? Farmers are not in the business to produce locally grown food any longer. What would we do? I pray that we Americans wake up to what is happening to our food security and diversity in our country. We could end up with a tragic food shortage. We need to change what and how we eat in this country.

So I would summarize.....there are many more negative points than positive points in supporting a diet high in high fructose. If you doubt me.....just watch the DVD, King Corn, and see for yourself.

I challenge you to do what our family is doing.....boycotting high fructose corn syrup!

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